I am currently an Assistant Researcher in the State Key Laboratory of Multimodal Artificial Intelligence Systems (MAIS), Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CASIA) .
I was a Postdoctoral Researcher at CBSR Lab, MAIS CASIA, working with Prof. Zhen Lei (雷震, IEEE Fellow). I graduated from Macau University of Science and Technology (MUST) (澳门科技大学) with a PhD’s degree from the Faculty of Innovation Engineering (创新工程学院), School of Computer Science and Engineering (计算机科学与工程学院), supervised by Prof. Stan Z. Li (李子青, IEEE Fellow).
My research interest includes Face Anti-Spoofing (FAS) and DeepFake Detection (DFD). I have published 10+ papers at the top international CV conferences such as CVPR, AAAI, IJCAI, ACM MM.
Google Scholar: google scholar citations 260000+ ()/(). Email: ajian.liu@ia.ac.cn, ajianliu92@gmail.com
🔥 News
- 2024.12: 🎉🎉 Two papers are accepted by AAAI 2025. The first Interpretable Face Anti-Spoofing paper.
- 2024.10: 🎉🎉 Four papers are accepted by ACM MM 2024. One paper was rated as Oral.
- 2024.09: 🎉🎉 Elected among Macao Young Scholars Program (澳门青年学者计划), 共30人.
- 2024.08: 🎉🎉 Two paper are accepted by IJCB 2024.
- 2024.08: 🎉🎉 A project on UniAttackDetection is granted by Young Scientists Fund of the Natural Science Foundation of China.
- 2024.07: 🎉🎉 Invited keynote talk for Visual Intelligence (期刊投稿数据集论文的经验).
- 2024.05: 🎉🎉 One paper for Generalizable Face Anti-spoofing is accepted by IJCV 2024.
- 2024.04: 🎉🎉 One paper is accepted by ICASSP 2024.
- 2024.03: 🎉🎉 One paper for Incremental Learning is accepted by AAAI 2024.
- 2024.02: 🎉🎉 One paper for Generalizable Face Anti-spoofing is accepted by CVPR 2024 as Highlight!
- 2024.02: 🎉🎉 Elected among 2024-2026年度北京市青年人才托举工程.
- 2024.01: 🎉🎉 One paper for Unified Physical-Digital is accepted by IJCAI 2024.
📝 Publications (# equal contribution, * corresponding author)
📕 Book Chapter:
- [1] Jun Wan, Zichang Tan, Ajian Liu. “Facial Attribute Analysis”. Handbook of Face Recognition, 2023.
🌟 Representative Work:
CA-MoEiT: Generalizable Face Anti-spoofing via Dual Cross-Attention and Semi-fixed Mixture-of-Expert
Ajian Liu
Face anti-spoofing via adversarial cross-modality translation
Ajian Liu, Zichang Tan, Jun Wan, Yanyan Liang, Zhen Lei, Guodong Guo, Stan Z Li
Contrastive context-aware learning for 3d high-fidelity mask face presentation attack detection
Ajian Liu, Chenxu Zhao, Zitong Yu, Jun Wan, Anyang Su, Xing Liu, Zichang Tan, Sergio Escalera, Junliang Xing, Yanyan Liang, Guodong Guo, Zhen Lei, Stan Z Li, Du Zhang
FM-ViT: Flexible Modal Vision Transformers for Face Anti-Spoofing
Ajian Liu, Zichang Tan, Zitong Yu, Chenxu Zhao, Jun Wan, Yanyan Liang, Zhen Lei, Du Zhang, Stan Z Li, Guodong Guo
CFPL-FAS: Class Free Prompt Learning for Generalizable Face Anti-spoofing
Ajian Liu, Shuai Xue, Jianwen Gan, Jun Wan, Yanyan Liang, Jiankang Deng, Sergio Escalera, Zhen Lei
FM-CLIP: Flexible Modal CLIP for Face Anti-Spoofing
Ajian Liu, Hui Ma, Junze Zheng, Haocheng Yuan, Xiaoyuan Yu, Yanyan Liang, Sergio Escalera, Jun Wan, Zhen Lei
- [11] Ajian Liu. “CA-MoEiT: Generalizable Face Anti-spoofing via Dual Cross-Attention and Semi-fixed Mixture-of-Expert”. International Journal of Computer Vision (IJCV), 2024.
- [10] Hao Tan, Zichang Tan, Dunfang Weng, Ajian Liu, Jun Wan, Zhen Lei, Stan Z. Li, “Vision Transformer with Relation Exploration for Pedestrian Attribute Recognition”. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia (TMM), 2024.
- [9] Hao Fang#, Ajian Liu#, Jun Wan, Sergio Escalera, Chenxu Zhao, Xu Zhang, Stan Z Li, Zhen Lei. “Surveillance face anti-spoofing”. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security (TIFS), 2023.
- [8] Ajian Liu#, Zichang Tan#, Zitong Yu, Chenxu Zhao, Jun Wan, Yanyan Liang, Zhen Lei, Du Zhang, Stan Z Li, Guodong Guo. “FM-ViT: Flexible Modal Vision Transformers for Face Anti-Spoofing”. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security (TIFS), 2023.
- [7] Zichang Tan, Ajian Liu, Jun Wan, Zhen Lei, Guodong Guo. “Exploring the limits of hard example mining for id document to selfie matching”. IEEE Transactions on Biometrics, Behavior, and Identity Science (TBIOM), 2022.
- [6] Ajian Liu#, Chenxu Zhao#, Zitong Yu#, Jun Wan, Anyang Su, Xing Liu, Zichang Tan, Sergio Escalera, Junliang Xing, Yanyan Liang, Guodong Guo, Zhen Lei, Stan Z Li, Du Zhang. “Contrastive context-aware learning for 3d high-fidelity mask face presentation attack detection”. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security (TIFS), 2022.
- [5] Zichang Tan, Ajian Liu, Jun Wan, Hao Liu, Zhen Lei, Guodong Guo, Stan Z Li. “Cross-batch hard example mining with pseudo large batch for id vs. spot face recognition”. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (TIP), 2022.
- [4] Ajian Liu#, Zichang Tan#, Jun Wan, Yanyan Liang, Zhen Lei, Guodong Guo, Stan Z Li. “Face anti-spoofing via adversarial cross-modality translation”. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security (TIFS), 2021.
- [3] Ajian Liu, Xuan Li, Jun Wan, Yanyan Liang, Sergio Escalera, Hugo Jair Escalante, Meysam Madadi, Yi Jin, Zhuoyuan Wu, Xiaogang Yu, Zichang Tan, Qi Yuan, Ruikun Yang, Benjia Zhou, Guodong Guo, Stan Z Li. “Cross‐ethnicity face anti‐spoofing recognition challenge: A review”. IET Biometrics, 2021.
- [2] Shifeng Zhang#, Ajian Liu#, Jun Wan, Yanyan Liang, Guodong Guo, Sergio Escalera, Hugo Jair Escalante, Stan Z Li. “Casia-surf: A large-scale multi-modal benchmark for face anti-spoofing”. IEEE Transactions on Biometrics, Behavior, and Identity Science (TBIOM), 2020.
- [1] Fengmei Liang, Yajun Xu, Weixin Li, Xiaoling Ning, Xueou Liu, Ajian Liu. “Recognition algorithm based on improved FCM and rough sets for meibomian gland morphology”. Applied Sciences, 2017.
📋 Conferences
- [20] Ajian Liu#, Hui Ma#, Junze Zheng, Haocheng Yuan, Xiaoyuan Yu, Yanyan Liang, Sergio Escalera, Jun Wan, Zhen Lei. “FM-CLIP: Flexible Modal CLIP for Face Anti-Spoofing”. Proceedings of the 32nd ACM International Conference on Multimedia (ACM MM), 2024.
- [19] Xun Lin, Yi Yu, Zitong Yu, Ruohan Meng, Jiale Zhou, Ajian Liu, Yizhong Liu, Shuai Wang, Wenzhong Tang, Zhen Lei, Alex Ko. “HideMIA: Hidden Wavelet Mining for Privacy-Enhancing Medical Image Analysis”. Proceedings of the 32nd ACM International Conference on Multimedia (ACM MM), 2024.
- [18] Hang Zou, Chenxi Du, Hui Zhang, Yuan Zhang, Ajian Liu*, Jun Wan, Zhen Lei. “La-SoftMoE CLIP for Unified Physical-Digital Face Attack Detection”. International Joint Conference on Biometrics (IJCB), 2024.
- [17] Ajian Liu, Shuai Xue, Jianwen Gan, Jun Wan, Yanyan Liang, Jiankang Deng, Sergio Escalera, Zhen Lei. “CFPL-FAS: Class Free Prompt Learning for Generalizable Face Anti-spoofing”. IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2024.
- [16] Hao Fang#, Ajian Liu#, Haocheng Yuan, Junze Zheng, Dingheng Zeng, Yanhong Liu, Jiankang Deng, Sergio Escalera, Xiaoming Liu, Jun Wan, Zhen Lei. “Unified Physical-Digital Face Attack Detection”. International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), 2024.
- [15] Hao Fang, Ajian Liu, Ning Jiang, Quan Lu, Guoqing Zhao, Jun Wan. “VL-FAS: Domain Generalization via Vision-Language Model For Face Anti-Spoofing”. IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2024.
- [14] Keyao Wang, Guosheng Zhang, Haixiao Yue, Ajian Liu*, Gang Zhang, Haocheng Feng, Junyu Han, Errui Ding, Jingdong Wang. “Multi-Domain Incremental Learning for Face Presentation Attack Detection”. Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), 2024.
- [13] Xianhua He, Dashuang Liang, Song Yang, Zhanlong Hao, Hui Ma, Binjie Mao, Xi Li, Yao Wang, Pengfei Yan, Ajian Liu*. “Joint Physical-Digital Facial Attack Detection Via Simulating Spoofing Clues”. Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops (CVPRW), 2024.
- [12] Haocheng Yuan#, Ajian Liu#, Jun Wan, Zhen Lei, et al. “Unified Physical-Digital Attack Detection Challenge”. IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision Workshops (CVPRW), 2024.
- [11] Hao Fang, Ajian Liu, Jun Wan, Sergio Escalera, Hugo Jair Escalante, Zhen Lei. “Surveillance Face Presentation Attack Detection Challenge”. IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops (CVPRW), 2023.
- [10] Ajian Liu, Zichang Tan, Yanyan Liang, Jun Wan. “Attack-Agnostic Deep Face Anti-Spoofing”. IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops (CVPRW), 2023.
- [9] Zitong Yu, Ajian Liu, Chenxu Zhao, Kevin HM Cheng, Xu Cheng, Guoying Zhao. “Flexible-modal face anti-spoofing: A benchmark”. IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops (CVPRW), 2023.
- [8] Dong Wang, Jia Guo, Qiqi Shao, Haochi He, Zhian Chen, Chuanbao Xiao, Ajian Liu, Sergio Escalera, Hugo Jair Escalante, Zhen Lei, Jun Wan, Jiankang Deng. “Wild face anti-spoofing challenge 2023: Benchmark and results”. IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops (CVPRW), 2023.
- [7] Ajian Liu, Yanyan Liang. “Ma-vit: Modality-agnostic vision transformers for face anti-spoofing”. International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), 2022.
- [6] Ajian Liu, Jun Wan, Ning Jiang, Hongbin Wang, Yanyan Liang. “Disentangling facial pose and appearance information for face anti-spoofing”. 26th international conference on pattern recognition (ICPR), 2022.
- [5] Ajian Liu, Chenxu Zhao, Zitong Yu, Anyang Su, Xing Liu, Zijian Kong, Jun Wan, Sergio Escalera, Hugo Jair Escalante, Zhen Lei, Guodong Guo. “3d high-fidelity mask face presentation attack detection challenge”. IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision Workshops (ICCVW), 2021.
- [4] Ajian Liu#, Zichang Tan#, Jun Wan, Sergio Escalera, Guodong Guo, Stan Z Li. “Casia-surf cefa: A benchmark for multi-modal cross-ethnicity face anti-spoofing”. IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), 2021.
- [3] Xuan Li, Jun Wan, Yi Jin, Ajian Liu, Guodong Guo, Stan Z Li. “3DPC-Net: 3D point cloud network for face anti-spoofing”. IEEE International Joint Conference on Biometrics (IJCB), 2020.
- [2] Ajian Liu, Jun Wan, Sergio Escalera, Hugo Jair Escalante, Zichang Tan, Qi Yuan, Kai Wang, Chi Lin, Guodong Guo, Isabelle Guyon, Stan Z Li. “Multi-modal face anti-spoofing attack detection challenge at cvpr2019”. IEEE/CVF conference on computer vision and pattern recognition workshops (CVPRW), 2019.
- [1] Shifeng Zhang, Xiaobo Wang, Ajian Liu, Chenxu Zhao, Jun Wan, Sergio Escalera, Hailin Shi, Zezheng Wang, Stan Z Li. “CASIA-SURF-A Dataset and Benchmark for Large-scale Multi-modal Face Anti-spoofing”. IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2019.
🆚 Datasets (Co-first author) and Challenges (Co-Chair).
- CVPR2024, UniAttackData, Unified Physical-Digital Attack Detection, 205/23.
- CVPR2023, CASIA-SuHiFiMask, Surveillance Face Presentation Attack Detection, 403/19.
- ICCV2021, CASIA-HiFiMask, 3D High-Fidelity Mask Face Presentation Attack Detection, 195/18.
- CVPR2020, CASIA-CeFA, Cross-ethnicity Face Anti-spoofing, 340/19.
- CVPR2019, CASIA-SURF, Multi-modal Face Anti-spoofing Attack Detection Challenge, 503/4.
- Keynote Speakers: Stan Z. Li, Abdenour Hadid, Xiaoming Liu, Guodong Guo, Sébastien Marcela, Guoying Zhao, Ajay Kumar, Alex Kot, Shiguang Shan, Lizhuang Ma, Karthik Nandakumar, Xiang Xu.
🎖 Honors and Awards
- Macao Young Scholars Program (澳门青年学者计划), 2024.
- 2024-2026年度北京市青年人才托举工程, 北京市科学技术协会,2024.
- 1st Place of Pedestrian Attribute Recognition and Attributed-based Person Retrieval Challenge at WACV (国际行人属性识别竞赛), 2023.
- Baidu Deep Learning Lab (IDL) Outstanding Intern of the Year Award(百度深度学习实验室年度优秀实习生奖), 2022.
- IET Biometrics, High-impact article (高影响力论文), 2021.
- 2nd of Ground Sentry Unrestricted Face Recognition Challenge (地面哨兵无约束人脸识别挑战赛), 2020.
- IEEE Transactions on Biometric Behavior and Identity Science (TBIOM), Best Paper Award (最佳论文奖), 2020.
🚀 Projects and Funds
- 澳门青年学者计划, 2025-03 至 2027-03, 72万元, 主持.
- 国家基金委青年科学基金项目, 2025-01 至 2027-12, 30万元, 主持.
- 博士后科学基金第74批面上资助, 2023-12 至 2025-12, 8万元, 主持.
- 国家重点研发计划, 人像鉴定及活体检测系统攻击检测与防御技术研究, 2021-12 至 2024-11, 130万元, 在研, 参与.
🕵️ Membership
- 中国图象图形学会数字媒体取证与安全专委会委员
- IEEE Senior Member
💬 Invited Talks
- 2024.07.21, 期刊投稿数据集论文的经验,Visual Intelligence 期刊发展研讨会.
🧑💻 Guest Editors
- Special Issue “Trustworthy Multimodal Biometrics Authentication”, IET Biometrics (IF=1.8), 2024.
📝 Journal/Conference Reviewer
- IET Biometrics, TMM, TIFS, IJCV
🕵️ Internships
- 2021.07 - 2022.04, IDL, Baidu Research, China .
- 2017.07 - 2020.12, CBSR, NLPR CASIA, China .